You're invited to the official launch of

When?  Thursday 19 May 2022

Where?  Kinepolis Antwerpen

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We have launched our brand a few months ago, now it's time to make it official, meet each other, get inspired and share a drink! Therefore we invite you to the official launch of ActWise, discover on this page what we have planned for you...

Here is what you can expect during our launch event:
Join us @ Kinepolis Antwerp, share a drink and catch up​​.
Take a comfortable seat and let us take you through some interesting and inspiring presentations and visions from ActWise and CyberArk experts.​
Enjoy a nice drink and a delicious bite while sharing insights and a casual talk with your partners and peers.​
Register now

Let’s meet in person

With the start of ActWise earlier this year we are strengthening and building on our knowledge and experience of Identity Security and managing privileges throughout an organization. With this new entity, originating from our team within IS4U and the Cronos group, we are emphasizing our relationship with our partners and customers and growing our footprint in the identity security landscape.

After being limited in our movement over the last 2 years it’s time to get out, meet each other again and share some thoughts. We are happy to invite you to our launch event at Kinepolis Antwerp, get inspired and share a drink!


The Schedule

ActWise - Kinepolis-location
13:00 - 14:00 - Arrival & Welcome drink

We invite you to start our official launch with a refreshing drink and a casual talk in the ‘Foyer’ of Kinepolis Antwerp.

Dirk Deroost
14:00 - 14:30 - Introduction to ActWise

Dirk Deroost (Cronos) & Stefan Jacobs (ActWise)

Cronos CEO Dirk Deroost and ActWise Managing Partner Stefan Jacobs will present how ActWise is a trusted partner in enabling organizations to manage and secure their most critical identities and assets to build and improve their Identity Security posture. With Cronos at the heart of this new initiative, with the start of ActWise we are strengthening the relationship with our customers and partners and welcome new clients to collaborate and profit from our years of knowledge and expertise.

Michael Ravelingien-2
14:30 – 15:30 CyberArk - A modern approach to Identity Security (+ live demo)

Michael Ravelingien (CyberArk) & Stefan Jacobs (ActWise)

With the company “perimeter” shifting from the need to protect the internal network to securing remote workers and external cloud services, the game has changed. A holistic focus on Identity Security is necessary to secure modern companies and the foundation of Zero Trust security strategies. Identity Security assumes that any identity — whether IT admin, remote worker, third-party vendor, device, or application — can become the entry point that an attacker uses to gain access a to a company’s most valuable assets. Join Stefan Jacobs and Michael Ravelingien, solution architect, on CyberArk’s journey from PAM to Identity Security Leader.

Len Noe
15:30 – 16:00 The final attack vector - Biohacking

Len Noe (Biohacker)

Do you really know what’s on the threat horizon? What the next cyber enemy looks like? Utilizing implanted technology, biohackers can compromise loosely connected devices, IoT, physical access security, and even plant ransomware with little to no IOCs. People are the attack vector, attack tool and attack target. Len Noe is a Technical Evangelist & White Hat Hacker. He is on the cutting edge of the BioHacking attack vectors, using microchip implants in his body to compromise systems.

ActWise - Team member foto
16:00 - ??:?? - Networking with food & drinks

To end the event we’ll foresee drinks and delicious appetizers at the Kinepolis Foyer. Let’s share a drink, thoughts and insights or simply enjoy a casual talk with your partner, colleagues or peers.

But that’s not all. During the last part the winners of our exiting give away prices will be announced.


the speakers


Stefan Jacobs

Managing Partner


Dirk Deroost

@ Cronos Group


Len Noe

Technical Evangelist & White Hat Hacker
@ CyberArk


Michael Ravelingien

Solution Architect
@ CyberArk


Kinepolis Antwerpen

→ Free parking available around the building.

→ Enter through the main entrance at the fountain.

 Close to the highway and easily accessible with public transport